season's speedings | dec 9


Team up with a friend, and try to get the fastest times in the house! Teams get unlimited turns on each course. 

Saturday dec 9, 3pm to 6pm

This is a tag-team, obstacle course running event. Participants team up and attempt to get the fastest times on two winter holiday themed courses. Teams will get unlimited turns on each course. If you beat your previous time it will be recorded on our leader board.

Don’t have a partner? We’ll do our best to get you matched up with someone!

Youth: Under 13 years old.
Open: Over 13 years old.

The Courses

Deliver the Present
If you thought parkour skills were enough to get you the fastest time, boy were you wrong. You and your partner must assemble a toy, pop it in to a present box, bring it through a course (without dropping, or throwing it), and finally place it in the chimney!

Cross the Arctic Waters
The floor is incredibly cold water! You start on one side of the course, the goal is to reach your partner on the other side and tag them without touching the floor. Your partner then has to run the same course in the opposite direction. Any floor touches will count as a “no time” on this course. Don’t worry, you get as many turns as you like!

We recommend this event to those who have passed a yellow band exam, but it is otherwise considered to be a very light hearted competition that anyone can participate in. Members participate for free, non-members can participate with an open gym drop-in. Spectators watch for free!