
How to get the Orange Band at Origins Parkour

The Orange Band is the second level in the Origins Parkour ranking system. It includes a mix of fundamental skills that are essential building blocks for advanced techniques you’ll encounter later. These skills are performed on more approachable structures, such as slanted walls, making them ideal for honing your basics.

We made a Youtube video to outline what is needed to pass the Orange Band test. This guide is not a step-by-step tutorial but rather an overview to help you gauge if you’re performing the moves correctly. Here’s a breakdown of the key skills you’ll need to master for the Orange Band test.

1. Bounce Back: When executing a bounce back, push off the edge with your forefoot. Ensure you have a good amount of bend in your knees to maintain control and power.

2. Precision Jump: Only half of your foot should be over the edge when performing a precision jump. It’s crucial to stick the landing to demonstrate balance and control.

3. Crane Landing: Similar to the precision jump, only half of your foot should be over the edge. Aim to land with both feet at the same time to ensure balance and stability.

4. Rail Balance: Good rail balance isn’t just about reaching the other side. You should demonstrate slow, controlled movement, with your toes pointing in the same direction as the rail.

5. Kong Up Plyo: Speed is key in a kong up plyo. Your feet should only touch the top of the wall for less than half a second. Simply konging up and jumping off doesn’t count; the transition needs to be seamless.

6. Step Vault: Show that you can land on one foot and immediately take off with the other into the next vault. This demonstrates coordination and fluidity.

7. Slide Vault: The slide vault is the hardest move on the exam due to the finesse required. Your second hand needs to push underneath you rather than just tapping the wall behind.

8. Wall Pop: Combine a wall run and a kong up. When your feet land, your hands should no longer be on the wall as they push it out of the way.

9. Step Vault to Cat Hang: For the exam, show control by leaning into the wall and lowering yourself carefully during the transition.

10. Catback on a Slanted Wall: A slanted wall makes it easier to push away. Ensure you use the correct technique by stepping up before pushing off.

11. Lache Cat: Pull hard on the bar to throw your chest forward, enabling you to grab on instead of falling backward.

12. Cat Hang Pull-Up: Start with straight arms, pull your chin all the way over the wall, and then lower yourself back down to straight arms.

These moves require not just physical prowess but also mental preparation and attention to detail. Consistent practice, mindful repetitions, and a focus on form will help you master these skills. Remember, the goal is not just to perform the moves but to execute them with precision and control.

Good luck on your journey to achieving the Orange Band in Origins Parkour. Stay dedicated, practice diligently, and most importantly, enjoy the process of learning and improving. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for more tips and tutorials to help you on your parkour journey.

Band exams are at the end of every month. When you are feeling ready, register online or in person.

Watch the video below!